The Giver is a science fiction movie based on the book by Lois Lowry. Jonas receives
the Assignment, job, of Receiver of Memory. The old Receiver of Memory, otherwise known as
the Giver, is giving Jonas the memories of the world. The Giver begins by giving Jonas happy
memories. Memories of sledding and sunshine. But, the Giver must also give Jonas the
memories of pain, memories of war, starvation, and death. Jonas knows that there are many
things wrong with his community, and together he and the Giver develop a plan to show this to
the community. But, all their plans are changed when Jonas realizes he cannot wait, and must
leave immediately, this time with Gabriel. Gabriel is a baby Jonas has come to love. One night
Jonas takes baby Gabriel and leaves the community, hoping that one day the memories he is
carrying will make it back to the community and make things right again. I would not recommend
this movie, especially if you have read the book. The movie is very different from the book and
leaves out a lot of important events. The character relationships are also very different, giving
the movie a very different vibe from the book. I would still recommend reading the book, but not
watching the movie.