Five Feet Apart

Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott
Rachael Lippincott
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Feb 12, 2024

Summary: In Five Feet Apart, readers are introduced to Stella Grant and Will Newman, two teenagers who are anything but ordinary, due to their battle with cystic fibrosis (CF). Stella is meticulous about her treatment regimen, aiming to keep her health stable enough for a lung transplant. Will, on the other hand, is tired of clinical trials and restrictions, eagerly awaiting his 18th birthday to reclaim some freedom from his disease. The story revolves around an irresistible attraction between them, complicated immensely by the necessity to maintain a distance of six feet apart to reduce the risk of cross-infection—a rule that feels more like a cruel punishment than a safety measure. 

Plot Progression: 

Somebody: Stella Grant and Will Newman are teenagers grappling with cystic fibrosis. 

Wanted: Stella wants to manage her CF effectively to qualify for a lung transplant, while Will yearns for freedom from his medical constraints. 

But: Their budding romance is severely restricted by the rules of their condition, requiring them to stay six feet apart at all times to avoid cross-infection. 

So: Stella and Will navigate their feelings within these confines, attempting to find closeness while physically separated. They rebel against the six-foot rule, shortening it to five feet, in a bid for some semblance of normalcy. 

Then: The story culminates in a profound exploration of love, loss, and the human spirit's resilience. Without spoiling the ending, both characters confront the reality of their conditions and make decisions that redefine their paths forward. 

Opinion: Five Feet Apart is a heartrending narrative that masterfully explores the themes of love, loss, and the human will to survive against the odds. The most compelling aspect of the book is its raw and honest portrayal of life with cystic fibrosis, offering a window into the emotional and physical struggles faced by those with the condition. While the story is beautifully told, it's not without its heartache, which may leave readers feeling both inspired and somber. The book excels in creating a tangible connection between the characters and the reader, making their journey and emotional battles deeply personal. I would recommend Five Feet Apart to anyone who enjoys young adult fiction that doesn't shy away from the realities of life, love, and the pursuit of happiness in the face of adversity. It's a story that will linger with you, prompting reflection on the value of life and the lengths we go to for the ones we love. 

Rating: 4 out of 5 - Better than most

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