The Final Gambit

The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Apr 3, 2023

The Final Gambit is the final book in the Inheritance Games trilogy and follows the life of a girl named Avery Kylie Grambs. Avery inherited a billion-dollar fortune from the deceased Tobias Hawthorn, but the inheritance came with a few rules. To get the full fortune Avery had to stay on the property of the Hawthorne house for a full year. During that year she stayed with the 4 grandsons of Tobias. The trilogy follows her life during the year she spends at the house and The final Gambit focuses on her last few months at the house and her 18th birthday. At the beginning of the book Avery meets Eve who is Toby's daughter and she says that he was kidnapped. Shortly after Eve showed up Avery started to get threatening letters from Toby’s captor. In the end They find out who the captor is and they find Toby. I loved this whole book series but I loved The Final Gambit the most, Barnes kept me on my toes trying to guess what would happen next. I loved the relationship between Avery and Jameson (one of the grandsons) and how Barnes showed that they both got each other.

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