The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
John Green
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 31, 2023

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is an emotional story about two teenagers hopelessly in love yet set apart by the unfortunate circumstances surrounding them. This young adult romance novel does contain some hard-to-process material, as the protagonist Hazel suffers from thyroid cancer affecting her lungs and doesn’t seem to have a will to live. Her pessimistic nature contrasts that of Augustus who also suffered from cancer but has a completely different outlook on the world. As I read this book I experienced a plethora of emotions as I witnessed the two protagonists getting closer and reading about their incredible journey. I loved reading this book as it was such a page-turner and impossible to put down. I encourage every teenager who loves romance and heart-touching novels to read this book.

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