Eleanor & Park

Eleanor & Park
Rainbow Rowell
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
May 31, 2023

Eleanor and Park is a book all about the romantic relationship between Park Sheridan and Eleanor Douglas. These two are portrayed as polar opposites inside of the books. Park being a half- Korean male and Eleanor the new shy red head from a bad background. They both met on the bus and started to bond over comic books and music and from there their relationship had a lot of ups and downs. There were a lot of emotions, and we see both characters grow as people because of the events that take place. They started to date, and we see the struggles that both went through not feeling like they fit in or that they were loved at home. In the end they are separated, and we are left on a cliffhanger: a postcard of just three words that are never disclosed. 

Opinion: I would give this book 3 out of 5 stars for a couple different reasons. I think this book was very good. I think all the elements of an amazing book were there. It was just not the book for me. I am not very into romantic reads, and I think that is exactly what this book was. I did really like the characters and how well the emotions of the book we displayed, and I felt like I could feel those emotions fly off the pages. It was a great book with just too much romance for me. I would recommend this book though to people who like romantic books because this was it.

Written by
Brayden P.

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