The main characters of The Drowning Summer are Mina and Evelyn. Mina’s family can speak to spirits and they later find out that Evelyn can too. Mina wants to break her curse so that she can learn to do magic herself. She can’t do this yet, because she has to make a deal with the spirit that is cursing her. So, Mina and Evelyn banish the spirit altogether so that Mina can start practicing her magic. Then, they both go back to living their normal lives and Mina gets to do magic. I think that this book was pretty good, but It had a very rushed ending. The whole book went by kind of slowly, and then at the end I felt like everything was happening at once. I would recommend this book to people who love mysteries and challenges. This book is definitely for older age groups (middle school+) because there are some inappropriate things in it and there is bad language as well. I rate this book a ⅘ stars.