The Diversity of Life is a nonfiction biology book written by Edward O.
Wilson. This book explains world living species and how they become diverse. This
also explains how we impact them as people, and what we can do to prevent this.
These are examined massive species extinction caused by human activities
during the 20th century, and how we can alter them. Edward O. Wilson explains in
this book about the unity and the diversity of species. The author of this book
and the Animals he interacted with, as well as humans, are the main characters of
this book. This is because the author discovered how they are impacted. The
animals are the one being impacted, and the people are the ones that are
causing this impact. Edward O. Wilson tries to tell the audience about how we are
impacting the animals and how we can help. However, the damage that has been
happening has already been done, and future damage is on the way.
Even though damage has already happened, after reading this book
people will try to help the environment. As people try to help the environment
animals can be prevented from going extinct. Little differences can make a huge
impact on the resolution. The authors read this message and this message
spreads like a chain reaction. Most compelling aspect is to know how we impact
the animals and how dangerous this can be. I was disappointed when I realized
animals are dying due to humans being selfish. This is because humans take
everything away from them, and do not even try to help them. As far as our
feelings at this book are inspired is that I should help the environment become
better, and spread this message. I'd recommend this book to those who care for
the environment in which to spread the message about how to save the world and
its most diverse creatures.