The Cruel Prince

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
Holly Black
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jun 12, 2022

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black is fantasy fiction. Jude Duarte was seven when she watched her parents get murdered and she and her two sisters were stolen away from their homes by the same man who killed her parents to live in High Court of Faerie. Growing up, Jude wants nothing more than to belong there, she’s bullied every day and the only protection she has is being the High King’s General’s daughter, but that doesn’t help much. Many fae hate humans and especially Prince Cardan, the devilish youngest prince who made Jude’s life terrible. Now, ten years later, Jude wants a high position at the Court but she must first defy and withstand Cardan. As Jude becomes involved in the palace, the people, and the royalty, she learns much about bloodshed, herself, her own capability, and betrayal. As Faerie goes down in royal flames, Jude must form a deadly alliance to save her siblings and even Faerie. I absolutely loved every second of this book. I loved seeing Jude transform and I loved her moments with Cardan. This book was first advertised as a romance but it is a book that follows Jude in her journey, with a small side plot of romance. The character and world building by Holly Black is amazing. She did a great job building her characters and the plot overall. It was never boring but wasn’t overwhelming either.  I absolutely adore this book and would give it a 5/5!

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