In A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Mass, also known as ACOTAR (ah-co-taar), a 19-year-old girl named Feyre (fay-ruh) lives in a village close to the world of fairies deadly and magical, known as Pythian. Because her father lost his trading ships somewhere in the ocean, her family lost a lot of money and now depend on Feyre to care for them. One day, when she goes hunting for food in the middle of the winter, she finds a doe. But as she’s about to shoot the doe with her arrow, she notices an unnaturally large wolf about to prey on it. Instead, she shoots the wolf and the doe and makes a lot of profit out of them. A little while later, after she’s sold the wolf hide and taken care of the doe, a large beast shows up at her family’s cottage. He says he must take one life on another and that the wolf was a fae (fairy). She makes a deal with the beast that if he leaves her family well cared for, she will live with him for the rest of her life. While living in the Beast Mansion in Prythian, she discovers that the Blight (evil magic) is taking over the land, and she also falls in love with this beast. She tries to help the beast take away that evil magic. In the end, she fixes the Blight and lives with the beast in his mansion.
I liked this book because it had so many plot twists and interesting characters, and it made me feel as if I were living in Prythian as Feyre herself through the amazing descriptions. However, it’s a bit slow in the start which made me feel badly about this book. Normally, I dont continue reading a book if it’s slow at the start or undetailed, but this book picked up the pace of the story pretty soon and I’m glad I read the book. I didn’t like how depressing and monotonous this book can get before the climax, but it’s necessary to include it so that the readers can feel how Feyre feels in the situations she’s put in. If you don’t like books that are sad or make you want to skip chapters to get to happier ones, then I wouldn’t recommend this book. If you never know what to read next and like reading series, then I would recommend this book series. It’s a series of 5 books including this one, and all of them were really good books. I would recommend that only people above the age of 15 read this book. Overall, I thought this book was really good, and I liked the story it told, and how this story made me feel like I was actually in it while reading it.