“Just as if I was one of those true knights you love so well, yes. What do you think a knight is for, girl? You think it’s all taking favors from ladies and looking fine in gold plate? Knights are for killing.”
Continue to follow the incredible story of fan favorites like Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, and Daenerys Targaryen. With the pressure mounting and the king dead, who will step up to take place as the ruler of this great kingdom? Too many people believe that they should be the one, and that’s exactly the problem. How does it turn out when brother turns on brother all for the sake of a crown? Find out in Clash of Kings.
The second book in the incredible Song of Ice and Fire series, of which Game of Thrones is based on, Clash of Kings lives up to its name. The one of a kind worldbuilding continues, but this time with new characters and new places. The map alone is a work of art. With a new book comes plenty of new perspectives. While unusual for me, I enjoyed each and every perspective in this book. Of course, certain characters are preferred, but what really stands out to me is despite the setting and fantastical elements, many common problems are faced by the countless characters. You’ll find yourself relating to both the hero and the villain, that is if you can tell which is which. Instead of the black and white pointless action sequences often found in other fantasy novels, Martin actually makes an effort to have human characters with issues, goals, and longings. No character is a cut and paste antagonist, instead building on the events that shaped them to become who they are. Yet again an excellent read, as expected from a legend like Martin.