Black Helicopters

Blythe Woolston
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jun 19, 2013

Black Helicopters are the harbingers of death and destruction for 15 year old Valley and her brother Bo. If they knew their hiding place, Those People, who control the helicopters, would kill them like coyotes, just as they killed her parents. Valley is determined to make the pay, no matter the cost to herself. Using the skills for survival and explosives their father taught them, Valley comes up with a plan to enact vengeance on Those People. By turning herself into an explosive message.

Author Blythe Woolston wondered what would drive a person to become a suicide bomber and Black Helicopters is her answer. Valley is an amazing character that you are both amazed and repulsed by. Early on, her father decides to have her write all the letters claiming responsibility for the bombs…in blood. Because her DNA is now in the hands of Those People, she lives a life of isolation, never leaving “the den”. Her only connection to the world is her fanatical father and devoted brother. It is no surprise that when the things that matter most are taken from her, she lashes out in the only way she knows how.

Reviewed by Kate M.
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