
Blossoms of Peace

By Yolene Pancarte

Watch them...
The pink magnolia blossoms,
They’re so innocent
Yet we treat them without regards.

Watch us...
Our inner turmoil shaking us,
Like the wind does the magnolia blossom
Uncaring and inevitable.


Fitting In

By Lucas Throckmorton

I wanted to be like everyone else,
Smart, funny, cool.
But when do things cross the line,
From funny to mean,
Or even me to them?

But recently,
It grew harder not to cross the line.
 Harder to fit in.

Always a Bride, Never a Bridesmaid

By Brooke Shippee

I can handle Boogeymen. Pitched black darkness? Yeah, it doesn’t send a shiver down my spine. And spiders don’t scare me in the least. My childhood was never plagued with the ordinary fears that come with wiggly teeth and staying up past nine and times tables.

It Doesn't Matter

By Michelle Moore

It doesn’t matter,
When the sun sets to the west
It doesn’t matter,
How fast the current is in
the ocean
It doesn’t matter,
When a storm passes through
the plains
It doesn’t matter,
The way stars twinkle in the
night sky