Everyday I Bleed On Paper

By: Ana Alonso

Everyday I bleed on paper,
(It looks prettier that way.)

Here I present to you my blood,
Crimson seeping through sheets,
Spelling out words that stitch themselves into sentences,
That become paragraphs and poems.

Here I present to you my blood,
The scarlet of over exaggeration,
It all felt that real to me,
Even when it wasn’t.

Here I present to you my blood,
its purest form. Unfiltered,

It's easier to be confident,
When you’ve given up.

You know no one will care,
You know no one will understand,
All of your expectations turn to false gods,

The pen bleeds with a force so possessive and passionate,
You’ll be grateful for the maroon that spills out.
Everything will fall into places you carved out long ago

Here I present to you my blood
The blood I lost, so I could breathe again.