featured young adult writer: Rachel Franklin

By: Rachel Franklin

What inspires you?

Emotions. Definitely emotions. I know it's a cliche answer but it's true. My writing is more based around characterization, dialogue, and relationships than descriptions and so I draw most of my inspirations from an overactive imagination and things that I feel. I like to think that I've got a pretty good life, which makes powerful emotions harder. But my writing is like a magnifying glass - I take something I've felt an enlarge it enough to make others feel it, too.

If you had to pick one word to describe yourself, what would it be?

In different social settings I choose "writer", but that's kind of generic right now. So I'll say "escapist". Writing is about escaping reality by throwing yourself into it. And it's very ironic in this.

Some of your favorite books?

My all-time favorite book would have to be a tie between Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, because of his unearthly use of language, and The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, because no matter how "old an stuffy" it's supposed to be, he captures the human condition perfectly.

How did you get involved with the library?

I went to one of the writing clubs and enjoyed it immensely. Eventually I started going every month. I've wanted to be published in elementia since fourth grade.

What are your hobbies?

If I say "writing", are you going to shoot me? Okay, other than noveling, poetrying, and shortstorying, I read, photomanipulate, and Israeli folk dance.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Hopefully, fresh out of high school and applying for college. Even more hopefully, getting into the U of Iowa's creative writing programs. And still writing up a storm.

If you could sit down with a teenager from another country, say London or Argentina, what would you say about your life?

I didn't know London was a country! Okay, smart-alecky answers aside, I live. I breathe. I eat. I sleep. I write. I'm not quite sure in what order I place their importance. Writing comes a little bit before eating and sleeping, and barely after breathing.