
The Past is Prologue

For January's installment of The Past is Prologue, Nicodemus Historical Society executive director Angela Bates will present on Nicodemus, KS, a small, unincorporated town in Graham County. Nicodemus is the only remaining western town established by African Americans during the Reconstruction Period following the Civil War. Today the town is a National Historic Site. 

Thursday, Jan. 7, 7:00 - 8:00 pm. Register now »

New Year, New You!

It's New Year's Day! Hello 2021. Hello to an all new you! The Library is here to help you make all of your dreams come true. Let's make those positive changes happen. 

First, start with a brainstorming list. If you had a magic pill you could take to make your life better, what would your life look like tomorrow? Write down your answers. Prioritize your top five. Here's an example:

  1. Get my finances in order
  2. Learn something new 
  3. Reduce stress
  4. Explore my family tree
  5. Make time to read more (a lot more) 

Whatever is on your top five list, contact a Librarian. Call, email, text. We'll help you find the Library resources you need to make 2021 a success!

Or, create your own adventure as you peruse the self-help collection in our catalog!

PBS Books Launches Program

PBS Books launches a National Library Engagement Program!

A new nationwide survey by PBS Books reveals a strong interest among libraries in digital and other content that fosters an interest in reading and connects their communities to the world of authors and literature. The Library Engagement Survey was conducted by PBS Books, which since 2014 has engaged a national audience in unique book-related experiences, from coverage of national book festivals to interviews with the world’s most important authors, which spark a curiosity in and a lifelong love of reading and learning.

In response to library feedback, PBS Books has developed a multi-faceted Library Engagement Program:

Tuesday, December 1 at 5pm ET | 2pm PT
Democracy Author Talk (Kids): Andrea Beaty
Sofia Valdez, Future Prez; Sofia & the Vanishing Vote; One Girl

Friday, December 11 at 5pm ET | 2pm PT
Democracy Author Talk (Kids): Nikki Grimes
Kamala Harris: Rooted In Justice

Sunday, December 13 at 2pm ET | 11am PT
Celebrating MASTERPIECE: Ben Vanstone, Writer
All Creatures Great and Small

Tuesday, January 12 at 9pm ET | 6pm PT
Trailblazing Women: Marilyn Chin & Poetry In America

Thursday, January 14 3pm ET | 12pm PT
Celebrating MASTERPIECE: 50th Anniversary
Rebecca Eaton, Producer of MASTERPIECE
Nancy West, Author of Masterpiece: America's 50-Year-Old Love Affair w/ British Television Drama

Book Giveaway

Anne Kniggendorf, author of Secret Kansas City, will join us for three events in January. To celebrate, we’re giving away copies of her book to a handful of lucky patrons via social media posts on Facebook and Instagram now through Tuesday, Jan. 5. Check our social media @jocolibrary and comment to win. 



Our Librarian Courtney's Favorite Games

During this pandemic, board games have been a valuable pastime for many people, whether it's breaking some out with the family and friends or learning how to play games on new online platforms. At Johnson County Library, our Table Top Games Committee has been trying to think of ways that we can share our passion with our patrons even if we can’t meet in person. We are looking forward to online gaming events starting next year, so if you are interested in playing games, please stay tuned for our first program starting January 6th!

Courtney shares her favorite games throughout her life

Hey there! I’m Courtney and I work and host Tabletop Games at the Antioch branch. I got involved with board gaming at the library just as the program began expanding from being hosted at just one location, to eventually five locations, which gave me the opportunity to join this awesome team. My favorite thing about Tabletop Games at the library is the community of people it brings together and the connections we make while playing games with each other.

I have enjoyed board games for as long as I can remember enjoying anything. So, it’d be hard to tell you how I got into board gaming, but what I can tell you is what some of my favorite games have been, starting from the beginning.

Cooties: This is the first game I can remember. As a small kiddo, being able to build a cute little critter while playing a game was super exciting to me. Fun stuff!

Guess Who: I played this a lot as an elementary-aged kid. At the time, I liked that I could be all smug about figuring out JUST the right question to ask to knock down as many possible people as I could manage. As an adult, I appreciate the introduction to deductive reasoning that I got while doing it.

Clue: My affection for games seems to have grown hand-in-hand with my affection for mysteries. I loved it when I got to figure out who did it!

Scattergories: This is the first game I played with my whole family that everyone seemed to be interested in (in contrast to the kids’ games that I knew weren’t being played for the benefit of the adults). I learned how neat party games can be with the right group!

Trivial Pursuit: I played this frequently with my high school friends. It was our default plan when we were looking for free things to do with our time indoors. My friend group was a bit nerdy, so this was right up our alley.

Settlers of Catan: This is the first “Eurogame” I ever played. I was introduced to it while I was visiting, in college, one of my nerdy friends from high school. I remember being excited the idea that there were all these other board games out there like this that I had never even heard of.

Stone Age: Still my favorite worker-placement game! I feel like the mechanic for gaining resources, with its mix of strategy and randomness, is both creative and very appropriate to the theme.

Race for the Galaxy: My favorite thing about this is how everyone is always engaged in playing; there’s very little waiting for other people to finish their turn. Also, space is really neat!

Love Letter: This is a current go-to standby for my gaming friends. The rules are super easy, it can be played really quickly, and you can put as much strategic thinking as you want to into your playing. Also, it’s a good game for having fun while being a bit of a jerk.

Camel Up: It’s about betting on racing camels, which is as absurd as it sounds and makes for lots of boisterous interactions. This is currently my favorite game for large groups with players of varying ages. It’s got crazy camel fun for everybody!

Azul: A quiet, strategic game with beautiful art that has been nice to play during such a chaotic year. The pieces are really lovely and it’s a nice experience even when you lose, which is definitely something I can appreciate, especially right now.

Read our other Table Top Games Committee members' stories and favorite games »

Throwback Thursday

Our friends at the Johnson County Museum, 8788 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, are open! Last year they presented A Very Retro Christmas and we absolutely loved it. Sadly, that display is on hiatus this year, but you can still visit over the holidays for a safe educational outing.

Also visit! It is the place to time travel through local history. Be sure to follow our hashtag on Twitter!

Downloadable Books and Audiobooks for the Holidays

Need an audiobook for a car ride? Or maybe an eBook to curl up with by the fireplace? Check out the newest eBooks and eAudiobooks to hit the Library's catalog »

e = everything!

A timely rebroadcast of one of our best shows ever! No lie. After listening, your life may change forever. Our eLibrary is just that big of a deal. The "e" is for electronic. We explore our digital Library collection with special guests Hope Harms and Amy Field. If you look at our physical collection at any of our locations, think about this: we just might have that book, audiobook, magazine, newspaper, DVD in a digital format to access on your computer, tablet, phone, and maybe even your smart TV. In fact, you'll find titles in our amazing digital collection you simply won't find anywhere else! So, Did you hear about our eLibrary?