No Wait Wednesday: Chameleon by Remi Adeleke

Hello and welcome to this week's #NoWaitWednesday where we look at a specific title that's ready for just the right patron to check it out in the New Release section at one of our branches right now. Hot, new, and best of all - no waiting! (If you're fast enough, that is! Make sure to click the green "place hold" button in the web catalog while logged in to reserve a copy.)  

For patrons who might like to read a good book but don't have the time, I like to recommend three specific genres: either a romance, a horror, or a thriller. These three genres in particular are engineered to hook readers early, introducing them to compelling characters and taking them on an emotional journey that keeps pages turning. A good thriller, especially, has an energy and momentum all its own - after all, thrill rides are the ones most difficult rides at the amusement park to get off from, because once you're strapped in, you're absolutely committed until the very end. Patrons love novels from thriller authors like Vince Flynn, Jack Carr, or David Baldacci, so for today's #NoWaitWednesday, let's take a look at a new book from an author along those lines.

Remi Adeleke, a former Navy SEAL, makes an impact with a blistering debut - and first in the "Black Box" series - with Chameleon. The main character is Kali Kent, born in Nigeria but raised on the streets of the Bronx and who now works for a super-secret CIA paramiliary group that focuses on only the most difficult missions. (Notice I didn't say "impossible....") The plot kicks off when they get called into investigate Lucas Van Groot, a South African commando who leads a shadowy network that makes money kidnapping business leaders and world politicians, holding them for ransom, and profiting by disrupting the global financial markets in the chaos. Kali and his crew must infiltrate this network and use all of their skills to take Van Groot down, until further revelations lead the group to investigate who's really behind everything, including a secret technology that might destabailise the whole of Eastern Europe and kick the Cold War up several degrees indeed.

Exotic scenery, breathtaking action, a well-developed good-guy ensemble, and a fast-paced twisty plot that keeps readers guessing - this one has it all. Adeleke brings a wealth of his own Navy SEAL experience to the novel, so all the spy-thriller action has more than a hint of authenticity. Speaking of authenticity, Kali Kent is no cardboard cut-out - he's a hero with a history and depth, and readers will appreciate his background and how it contributes to the novel. "Chameleon" also looks to be the first in a trilogy, so action fans won't have to wait long for more. (This has all the makings of a Netflix original, too.) 

Be sure to check back with us next week for more #NoWaitWednesday action! Thanks for reading.