Words Can Move Mountains

By: Rachel Franklin

There is a thing that is stronger than yourself,
That is from you; its plan is one of stealth.
White-hot insults out of a mouth are poured,
Never underestimate the power of a word!

Words can move mountains, statements will destroy,
Tossing about feelings as if the owner were a toy.
Expressions can be murderers, equipped with tongues of sword,
Never underestimate the power of a word!

Mean, nasty and hateful things can tear the world apart,
And hiding your burning cheeks can really be an art,
This great thing from inside us is certainly a lord
Never underestimate the power of a word!

Next time you’re ready to burst into a fight,
Remember to do what really is right.
Consult yourself and make sure those insults are not roared,
And never underestimate the power of a word!