
By: Janae Filer

You make me so happy

Why can’t you see

Just how much I love you

Your best friend

It’s so hard for me

Not to tell you how I feel

Even though I know you feel it too

I can see it in your eyes

Every time you’re with me

If only you weren’t with her

She’s changing you

Don’t you see

When you were with me

You never had to change a thing

I loved you how you were

I accepted you and all your faults

I loved you no matter what

I wish so much

Things between us were like they were

If I could say just one thing

It would be this

All I want to do is spend my life with you

Why can’t you see how much you mean to me

I know we can make it

Just you and me

No matter what anybody else thinks

It’s not about them

It’s all about us

My love for you will never fade

I’ll be here by your side until the day that I die

I feel like I can’t breathe

Whenever you’re with or next to me

If only you would open your eyes and see

That we were meant to be

But until then I’ll be fine just being your friend

Love comes in all sizes both big and small