Muses by Clementine Gogol

Muses by Clementine Gogol is our Summer Reading Writing Contest 5th & 6th grade winner. 

Judge’s comments: 

*I love how the author avoided fairytale cliché characters 

*a long story but a page-turner 

*engaging characters 

Part 1: Introductions Chapter 1. Grieving over greed

Rin Sakura had a long day, she had 6 hours of school, and then the half mile walk home with her friends, Kai and Mio. When she got home, she was pretty much left to her own devices, as her parents had put a password on the laptop. She had already done her homework, so she was writing poetry.

I see the moon Glistening in the night. A scent on the breeze Alone,

Yet not afraid.

I sit inside the temple By myself.

The words just flowed into her head, like a waterfall, constantly pouring beautiful phrases and hilarious humor. She had written her first poem when she was four.

I like bees

The bees like me Bees give us honey But not any money

Oh boy! I have to go pee!

Her first poem was not very good, but she always seemed to like writing poetry.

She decided to stop and get a snack. She opened the fridge. Thank god her mom had left a small bento box in her refrigerator. She chowed down with great delight.

Her mom got home late; she worked at the office.

Haruto got home about five minutes before her mom. Rin didn’t like to discuss what had happened to her father. That day had been a blur. One day when she was about six, during Japanese class she was called down to the office. Her mom tearily explained on the ride to the ER that her father had died in a car accident.

She didn’t know what was really happening until the funeral. She wished she could close her eyes to that terrible memory.

Haruto was her mom’s fiancé. He was nice, but no one could really replace her father. Her family lived just out of Tokyo, so she pretty much had to walk a mile every day, as it was a half mile from there to the school. Life had been rough for her, but every day she said to herself:Come on Rin, keep going despite that the death of her father would affect her forever.

Chapter two: Dance it off

Marie Blum lived in the bustling city of Paris, France. She had always gotten everything that she wanted. Yet, she wasn’t a brat like all of the other girls at her school. She went to a fancy school called Lafayette Prep, which was an all girls school. There was one girl that she hated.

That girl was Sara, who was also wealthy. Sara had bullied Marie since the first grade, when Sara had moved to that school. There were many clubs at Lafayette Prep including the dance club, which she joined in kindergarten. She had always been at the top of her dance class. She came to every rehearsal, audition, and recital except for when she had strep for a week.

That kind of sucked. Whenever she had a free minute, she would practice her pirouettes, plies, and jetés. The music just flowed through her head, magical notes, igniting her inspiration, like a river of music flowing through her mind. She got home from ballet and decided to practice her grandjetes in her dance studio. She checked to see if her father was home.

“Gaston, is father home?” Gaston checked the window. “No, Marie.” Of course, this was nothing unusual. Her father was at the acme of the business world nationally. No, internationally. He was always going on business trips, so she didn’t see him very often. When he did, they spent the best of times together.

Her mother kept the secret about their divorce until she was nine. Her mother worked as well. She hated that her mother didn’t tell her until she was nine. She believed that she could handle it, but now that she was 10, she wasn’t so sure.

Chapter 3: Express yourself


Afia Yemon lived on the Ivory Coast of Africa. She loved to draw. She drew her first landscape by the time she was three. She had lots of colored pencils and art supplies, as her father worked for an art company. Her friends, Baba and Akissi were very nice.


On her first day of school, the big kids pushed her on the ground and ripped up her sketchbook. Baba and Akissi came running over, and helped her tape her sketchbook up. They were friends ever since that day. Her favorite class was art, obviously. One day when her teacher was sick, she picked up fresh vegetables and mutton from the market and made her a soup with a get well card attached to it.


The next day, her teacher got better. On her report card, she got all A’s, except for a B+ in math. She loved learning and loved her teachers. One day, something horrible happened. Her papa was reading the newspaper when he saw an article getting dirt on her principal.


She had heard rumors that her principal was a weapon dealer or a something-else-bad dealer, but she never believed them. Now she wasn’t so sure. She had been homeschooled for almost half her life after that terrible day. Sketching was her escape from the world. She loved to draw nature.


Beautifully colored flowers, bright green grasses. It made you feel like you were actually there. A sunny field in late April. The bees buzzing. The birds chirping around you.


You pick a flower. You blink and you are back in Afia’s living room like it never happened. She did this every day to escape from her reality. It was exhausting but made life a whole lot better.


Chapter 4: A coping mechanism


Adrienne Thomas was a smart and savvy girl. She loved to sing. Along to the radio on the way to therapy. Karaoke night at her family’s cafe. Or just in her free time.


Adrienne went to therapy because she had survived Leukemia, but she had to get a prosthetic leg to save her life. It wasn’t the best, but she would definitely rather lose her leg than her life. Her mother owned a cafe and her father worked for a law firm. She had grown up in Southern California, but moved to San Diego, as her friends dumped her as soon as she showed them her prosthetic. She had a couple friends, Ming and May, and an almost boyfriend, Steve.

She had a very busy life.


Study club, Therapy, Knitting club, Choir, and her school’s Special Needs Sports club. Singing helped her blow off steam. She wrote her first song in third grade.


She has wrote a lot of her own music. It seemed like singing helped her be free like a bird. She imagined she could fly wherever, and as high as she pleased. And that was what she needed most, as she was not that used to her new physical limits yet.


Chapter 5: Trying to measure up



Beatriz Malelah had always been the class clown. She loved to make people laugh and smile, even though there was always that one person you couldn’t please. She didn’t really care about what people thought of her, but now that she was twelve, it had never really bothered her before.

There were girls in magazines whose face and

body were perfect.


Those, of course, were not her. She had anorexia at the age of eleven. She almost had to be hospitalized, but luckily a few sessions of therapy and that helped a whole lot. She loved to write and share her comedy with her friends.

She had done her first comedy act when she was four.


It consisted of three jokes. They were the classic jokes, but her big brother and parents laughed at her to make her smile. Her brother did strange things sometimes. He would drink, even though he was only sixteen, and crash his car.


This made her very sad at times because she loved her brother, she really did!


And each time he did it, she got scared that he would get sent to juvenile detention, get badly injured, or if worst comes to worst, die, even.

Beatriz loved riding her bike, until the day that she broke her leg riding. That day was a blur. All she could really remember is the sirens, crying, and her mom telling her that she would be okay. Oh, and the hospital food.


It was the grossest stuff ever. She expected it to be good, like, order-anything-you-want good. All of these things distracted her, when she really needed to focus on her leg.


She went home, thinking everything would be fine. The next day, her mom got an email saying they were going to have to put plates in, which meant surgery. That was the first time in her life she had ever said a bad word.


Chapter 6: A little kind act goes a long way


Katie Jone lived in northern Australia with her mom and grandma. She had one baby brother, William. She loved the beach, sea creatures, and her viola. She had been playing viola since she was four. Once when she was four she saw a jellyfish being poked by a boy, and even though the jellyfish’s stings were unbearably painful, she started yelling at the boy, as he stopped poking the jellyfish on the sand.


She grabbed it, her hands on fire, and gave it a big kiss as it stung her. Ouch. She knew that it would hurt, she just wanted the jellyfish to feel better. She remembered the sirens were so loud, she could have heard them in her basement.

The day she got home from the hospital, she noticed there was a large scar on her lip.


Honestly, she liked it, until Sarah noticed it. Sarah had to be the meanest of all. She had posted a picture of Katie with a grey filter, and a picture of a gun captioned “Stay away from scar girl; She might hurt you”


This unfortunately worked on most of her friends, except for Mandy. Mandy was Katie’s best friend since third grade. Sarah happened to be ex best friends with Mandy, so you bet by now Katie knew every dirty secret on Sarah. She loved her viola, as it beautifully serenaded her, Mandy, and her family. All she wanted was for others to be happy, as she was never thinking about herself.


Part 2: Discover



Chapter Seven: Unleash the power


Rin was talking with Haruto about school when her mom and little brother, Kuu arrived. “Rin nee cha!”, Kuu exclaimed. (Nee-Chan = big sis) Her mom made rice balls, curry, and Rin’s favorite, Eishindo pudding. That night she had a strange dream. She was in a strange cave, with someone that was vaguely familiar.


She was with a beautiful woman with a quill in her hand, wearing something that looked like a toga, but it looked a thousand times better on her. It was weird. She looked like her; Everyone always made fun of her for not being “real Japanese”, but she saw the woman’s black hair, flowing in the ocean breeze was just like hers.

From that moment, she knew that someday,

somehow, she would find her birth mother. She woke up, and she went to the attic.


She knew something was pulling her there, so she followed her instinct. She found a strange box that she swore hadn’t been there before. She opened the wooden box, glossy wood with a gold heart carved into the front of it, with beautiful detail and an R on it. She had always aspired in English, so it was practically a second language. She very well knew that the first letter of her name started with R.


She opened up the box, tired, yet excited to see what its contents might be. There was a beautiful amulet, she had no idea what gem it was, but it floated up to her and glowed. She put it on, and then suddenly, her head filled with ideas for wonderful poems. She had never felt so amazing in her life. She had never felt so happy since before her father died


Chapter Eight: Find yourself



Marie’s father got home at 7 pm, and they ate  foie gras for dinner. After dinner, she went up to the attic to look through her great-grandma’s special heirlooms. She did this every other night. She found a lot of things, very beautiful golden plates, she imagined a tower of macrons on it, colorful, bright, delicious. She found an old fashioned lamp with the carving C’est la vie on it.


Last but not least, she found a humble little box. She could swear she had been there so many times, and not once had this little box appeared. She opened the box. She couldn’t tell what was inside, as there was a very protective layer of beautiful tissue paper, gold and shiny. Inside, there was a pair of beautiful pointe shoes that had Marie engraved in them.


She put them on, wondering what would happen next. She put them on, and immediately she had the urge to start dancing.


She did beautiful pirouettes, spinning oh so carefully, and yet it seemed that as long as she had the shoes on, she would dance. She hesitantly took them off, putting them back in the box with the beautiful wrapping. She looked on her Apple Watch, and saw that the time was eight- forty five, fifteen minutes before her bedtime. She took her bath in her jacuzzi quickly, and went to bed tired yet proud of her own little secret.


Chapter Nine: Creativeness trapped in a box


Afia woke up on a raining morning and slept in till seven am. She woke up and ate the usual rice porridge for breakfast. She drew a little girl on a tiny boat in the middle of the sea, alone, because without school, she felt more alone than ever. After her homeschool lesson, she watched a cartoon and then ate lunch. After lunch she went to her room for a long, hard, think.


Were the rumors about her principal true? Why had her skin always been a little bit lighter than the others? Why did she feel like she didn’t belong in her home country? Why did she not feel anything for a boy, like all the women in her family did? Why did she feel like she couldn’t fit in?


She wanted to know the answers to these questions desperately. She went down to the basement and looked in the boxes. They held photographs of her family, her grandmother and great-grandmother.


Afia remembered her grandmother told amazing stories and made delicious Jollof rice. She opened a box that had a giant paint set inside.


She was thrilled, thinking that she had discovered an early Christmas present. She saw a card label with golden writing that said “ Your birth mother would be so proud of you.” It wasn’t what she was expecting, but it was amazing. She snuck it upstairs to her easel, and gently painted a beautiful field with a picnic blanket on it. And for a second, she was actually there.


She could smell the fresh spring air. She could see the beautiful flowers around her. She felt like she was actually inside the painting. She blinked her eyes, returning to her basement. She heard her mother calling her. “Afia, honey, it’s time for dinner.”


She quickly rushed up to her bedroom, tucking the paint set away in her closet. She went to the table.


She ate quickly and then drew, which helped her mom’s lecture about finding a boyfriend, when she really didn’t feel anything for any boy.


Chapter 10:

Love is all you need


Adrienne’s choir director, Miss Rafael, chose an old, yet catchy song for the choir performance. It was called Love is all you need, by the Beatles.

Adrienne loved this song. In fact, it was one of her favorites. Shortly after, her teacher explained that the choir would be performing at a famous stadium.


She later pulled Adrienne aside and told her some bad news. “I am very, very sad to tell you this, Adrienne, but you won’t be able to come,” “There simply isn’t an accessible seat on our bus,” the teacher said.

Adrienne pretended to be okay with it, like she always did. She never wanted to annoy anyone, so she usually kept her emotions a secret. “Oh, that’s alright,” she hesitantly said, slapping a fake smile on her face.


As she left the choir room, she could feel her face getting hot as the tears gathered up in her eyes.


She had read to not keep her emotions bottled up, but had always ignored it. Now she realized, no, she should have told someone. In the middle of the hallway, she started bawling. The queen bee, Mariam, walked over and laughed. “Be careful, cyborg, your tears might make you short circuit!” Everyone joined in, laughing at her.

Adrienne noticed that she was getting a little

light headed, but ignored that. She stood up and wiped her hands. She told Mariam, “I’m sick of you! You’ve done nothing but bully me. I just  want you to stop!”


After she said that, Mariam said “You know robots are going to take over the world, right? I’ve gotta do my part to stop it!” Mariam formed her hand into a fist and punched her. Adrienne fell down and was knocked unconscious. Mariam viciously said “You guys, don’t tell, or I’ll do MUCH worse!” Frightened by Mariam, everyone skittered away.


Ming and May ran up to her, and she opened her eyes. “What happened? Ugh, I don’t feel good,” she said.


Ming chimed in “What happened to you, girl?” Adrienne tiredly replied “That’s what I’d like to know.” Adrienne clutched her stomach “Ugh, my tummy hurts, it must be something I ate.” “Whoa! Your eye! Let’s step into the bathroom for a second,” May said. Adrienne ran into the restroom and looked in the mirror. When she saw the big, puffy bruise around her eye, she fainted. “Oh no,” Ming and May said in stereo.

May quickly said “Let’s get her to the nurse!”

Adrienne woke up after a three hour nap.


All of the voices were blending together. Steve, saying “Is she okay?” Ming, May, and Adrienne’s mom, crying out of fear and squeezing her hands. She blinked and her vision started to focus. Adrienne sprung up and said “Where am I?”


The nurse said “Oh goody! You’re awake! Now, dear, how many fingers am I holding up?” Now that she could see, it was clear that she was holding up three. “Three,” she answered. The nurse told her that she had gotten it right. She also said “Honey, why don’t you go home?”


She said “Okay, I guess.” When she got home, she looked around her room, feeling every wall. She started to sing.


Hey, Mm yeah

Got me feeling like I’m in to deep..

Looking back on mistakes, and losing sleep And now I’m too afraid to take the leap..

I really wish that I could be concealed


But then I wouldn’t  be  real And now I’m too afraid to feel..

But in the real world that’s the deal

The deal is unfair but it will always be there, If you don’t agree life might give you a scare...


She paused for a second, as she felt a weird mark on the wall. She soon discovered that it was a drawer. She opened it and found a rose gold microphone, complete with a cord. A paper fluttered out and it was signed in beautiful handwriting. It said: I hope it’s enough. Find me in the grotto-Euterpe


Chapter 11 : Lying Or Loving


Beatriz was very nervous about her operation. She had been practicing her little “rituals” for weeks now. She would stay up late and eat twelve grapes at midnight, even though it wasn’t New Year’s Eve. She would fold one thousand paper cranes and pray. She would pray for her mom and dad so that they wouldn’t worry.


She would pray for her brother so that he wouldn’t drink. She prayed for her friends so that they could focus on school while she was not there. And most of all, she prayed for herself, that she could always be there for everyone and anyone that needed her, that she could get back to being her old self, her funny, upbeat self. She always wanted to make others happy, no matter the cost.


She took a deep breath. She stood up. She dusted her knees off. She walked away from the prayer altar. She thought about how her mom would make tamales and empanadas.


She just tried to stay on the positive side, so she could get back to being her funny, positive self in no time. Once she got back home, she felt that she needed to look around her attic for some reason. She had no idea why, though. She sensed something special. She then found a wooden box, about the size of the shoebox.


She opened the box, and there it was. She found one of those old-fashioned drama masks, the smiling one, to be exact. “Haha, uh oh,” she said, with a nervous smile on her face. She put the mask on, and suddenly she was filled with so much confidence ; she felt like she would always be enough. Her mind just started to fill up with funny jokes, which she wrote down on a piece on paper.


She thought Hey, yeah. Maybe I will see my birth mom someday.


Chapter 7: Musical Prodigy



Katie walked home from school on a warm Friday afternoon, and since it was so hot, she asked her grandma to take her to Macca’s (McDonald’s) for a milkshake. She said yes, and Katie’s grandma also brought Mandy with her. Mandy told Katie another secret about Sarah. “Sarah wet the bed up until third grade,” Mandy whispered. Katie paused for a second and said “Mandy, I appreciate it when you stick up for me to Sarah, but all this gossip is going a little over the top. We need to acknowledge that Sarah is human too!”


“Oh, ok, I guess,” Mandy said hesitantly. “So whatcha doing this weekend,” Katie said,  changing the subject. “How about we go get pedicures at Terrific Toes?” Katie said “That sounds fun, Mandy! Great idea!” After dropping Mandy off at her house, Katie wandered through her basement.


She wandered around in her basement, when suddenly, she tripped over a box. She opened it, and it was a beautiful golden bow. She quickly ran upstairs and grabbed her viola, and started playing. It sounded more wonderful than anything she had ever heard! She noticed that a note had fluttered out of the box, so she read it and it said:


All of your talents have been discovered, alright Now you must gure out how to use them to ght You will nd your truth tonight

But rst you must nd how to unite. “Weird,” she said.


Part 3: Unite the Muses Chapter 12 :The fever dream


After getting home from school, Rin began to get a little sniffly. Also, she was getting very warm.

She decided to put on a mask, to protect her family. She made herself some tea and went to her room with a book of English poetry, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou. She loved reading and writing poetry.


The sick


My forehead is hot My head is not Feeling good

Put on a mask So I don’t

Infect the neighborhood


She stopped, as she heard her mom get home. “Rin-Chan? Honey?” Rin yawned and said “I’m not feeling so great.” Rin’s mother felt her forehead.


“Oh no! You’re burning up! I’ll go buy some cold packs from the store.” Rin asked “Can you make some miso soup?” Rin’s mom frowned. “I’ll see what I can do, sweetie.” Rin laid down and her eyes fluttered shut, as she fell into a deep, deep sleep. She opened her eyes, and she was in a cave, in that same cave she had in the other dream.


“H-hello,” she said nervously. She saw the woman with black hair again. “Hello,” the black- haired woman said. “My name is Calliope, muse of epic poetry.” Rin’s jaw dropped. “Wh- where am I?” Calliope calmly replied “The grotto, little one, where the nine muses live. The other descendants should get here soon.” Descendants?! What the,” Rin said, confused about what was going on. “How do you know me, and why?” Calliope took a breath and said “I’m your mother.”


Chapter 13 : Dancing isn’t everything



Marie slept in past her alarm, which was very unusual for her. She was tardy for school and failed her math test. At the end of the day, she was too tired to dance. She was sent home from dance, and it turned out that she had a fever.

Gaston got her a pamplemousse seltzer and some chicken noodle soup. Marie said “I’m going to just take a little rest..” She quickly fell into a deep, deep sleep in her canopy bed.


“Yawn.. Huh? Who’s there?!” she said in her dream. She was on a beautiful beach. A woman with blonde hair just like hers appeared behind her. “Hello,” the woman said in a perky, bubbly voice. “I’m Terpsichore. Friends call me Terp.” Marie looked at Terpsichore. “And who are you?” Terpsichore hesitantly said “Actually, I’m your mother.” Marie’s jaw dropped to the floor. “No.

Way! I am the daughter of the muse of dance! Is

anyone else here?” Terp scratched her chin. “Actually..” she leaned towards the right.


“Calli?! We got anyone else yet,” she yelled. “Yep, c’mon,” she said. Marie walked into the cave, when she saw a girl with jet black hair. “Hi. I’m Rin! What’s your name?” Marie said “Oh, hi. I’m Marie! Nice to meet you!”


Chapter 14: Believer



Afia woke up, actually feeling happy for once. She had a feeling of hope for the future. She went to hang out with Baba and Akissi, and they went to the park. After that, they went and got donuts. “Y’know,” said Afia. “I think we should go on a trip together sometime!” Baba and Akissi nodded in agreement.


After that, Afia went home for lunch. “Afia,” her mom said. “I need to talk to you for a bit.” Uh oh, she thought. Not another lecture about marrying rich and all that! Afia said “Okay.” Again, it was what she had predicted. Blah, blah, blah, marry rich, blah, blah, blah, cook for him, blah, blah, blah, get married soon. She was overwhelmed by all this, because she was only fourteen years old! “Mom,” Afia said. “Yes, darling?” “I’m feeling hot.” Afia went to the bathroom and stuck the thermometer in her mouth. “Yep,” she said, as she read the numbers 40 degrees Celsius.


Afia’s mom said “Oh no, dear. You better get some rest. It could be Malaria!” Afia went up to her room to rest for a bit, when she fell asleep. She woke up on a beach, the same one where Marie had woke up. “What’s going on,” she said. “I might be able to explain that,” said a woman with the same eyes as Afia. “I’m Polymnia. I am the muse of art.” Afia was not believing her at first. “No way.” Poly said “Well, how about I tell you this. I’m your birth mother.” Afia nearly fainted. She had finally met her birth mother after fourteen years of waiting!


She went inside the cave, where Rin and Marie were. “Hi,” she said. “Lemme guess, you’re the daughters of the nine muses as well?” Rin and Marie nodded at the same time.


Chapter 15: Sing it out



Adrienne went to school. Everyone was avoiding her, because of what Mariam said. In one of her classes, she began to get hot. “Adrienne, please see the nurse,” her science teacher said.

Adrienne got sent home early with a fever. Her mom was worried that her cancer was making a comeback. Adrienne drank some pink lemonade to cool her down, while her mom made tomato soup, which always helped her get better from a fever or a cold.


Adrienne laid down in her bed and said “I’m  gonna rest my eyes for a little bit..” She blinked her eyes, and she woke up on a cliff, which was AMAZING, because she was  PETRIFIED  of heights! “Ah!  Ah! Someone get me offa this thing,” she yelled. A woman with light brown hair walked up and said “Hi, I’m Euterpe, the muse of song.” Adrienne said “Okay.. and I’m the duchess of cordonia?” Euterpe burst out laughing. “No, haha. I’m being serious.”


A Pegasus flew to the cliff, and Euterpe said “C’mon, get on.” Adrienne got on, and the  Pegasus flew her down into the cave. She saw some other girls in the cave. “Oh, yeah. I forgot   to tell you! I’m your mother!” Adrienne said “At this point, anything is believable, so why not?” Adrienne tilted her head to the other girls and  said “So, I’m guessing those are my cousins?” The girls nodded and Afia said “Here, come sit.”


Chapter 16: The big day



Beatriz lay on her bed at 1 am in the morning, nervous. Her surgery was in three hours. She grabbed her blanket and book, and headed to the hospital with her family. She was very thirsty and hungry, but she couldn’t eat or drink because if she did, she might throw up because of the anesthetics. Beatriz went into the children’s ward shaking. She was so nervous!


The anesthesiologist came in, and talked to her about what she was going to do. She even got to pick which scent of sleeping gas to breathe, and she chose cotton candy. She also got a stuffed animal, which was an adorable little bunny. They wheeled her to the surgery room, which was freezing, until they put these cozy, warm blankets on her top half. “Let me tell you a story,” the surgeon said. “Once upon a time, there was a mermaid, who..” Beatriz drifted off into a deep, deep sleep.


She woke up on a sand dune. “Wh-where am I?” A woman with the same tan skin and red hair as Beatriz popped out behind her. “Hi! I’m Thalia!

What’s your name?! I’m the muse of comedy and laughter,” she said. “S-slow down, ok?”, Beatriz said. “I’m Beatriz Malelah,” she said. “Also, where am I?!” Thalia perked up. “You are on the muses’ bay!”


Beatriz said “Ok.. so where is your base?” Thalia pointed to the right and said,”That way!” They walked to the grotto, where Rin, Marie, Afia, and Adrienne were. “Oh, hehe. Also, I’m your mom and these are your cousins,” Thalia said, with a perky smile on her face.


Chapter 17: Together


Katie fell ill with a fever and started having a weird dream. She met Euterpe, who claimed to be her birth mother. Then, she met a girl named Adrienne, who was her twin sister. Everything was so crazy! Terpsichore gathered everyone together. “Girls, you are not here by coincidence. You are among the most talented in the world.” Thalia said, “Other than us, of course.” The girls laughed. “You are the daughters of the nine muses, which I am sure that you are aware of.” Terpsichore took a deep breath and said, “Now, today, in the modern world, a lot of artists lose courage and confidence if they make a mistake.” Beatriz nodded. “We do not want that to be you. We have provided you with the magical tools you need to keep your inspiration flowing.” Adrienne raised her hand “Like that rose gold microphone?” Euterpe nodded her head yes. “If your inspiration dies, it means we have passed, and you must carry on the legacy of the Muses,” Terpsichore explained. The girls nodded. “So,” Rin said, “Where do we start?”


Adrienne went on to become one of the next pop legends. Rin published several poetry books that were all NY times bestsellers. Afia’s paintings sold for millions, and she lived a happily single life. Katie went on to be one of the best conductors at the Sydney Opera House.

Beatriz went on to having a talk show. Marie

went on to perform at the Garnier Stage in Paris. They had all achieved their dreams.


I want to dedicate this book to my friends, for always being there for me and supporting me along the way, my teachers, And Mrs. Hooker, my English teacher, for encouraging me.


About the author

Clemen tine Gogol resides in her home in Prairie Village, Ks, where she rides her scooter and does natural makeup. She wrote her first story in kindergarten.

High school drama, loss, surgery, bullying, can these girls make it through?