This Week at the Library

Library OnDemand – Available anytime you like.

Keynote Address: Women’s Bike Summit – Tuesday, Aug. 15, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Sarah Loring (née Farsace) bikes for independence, strength and peace. As a PE teacher, survivor of both cancer and a hit-and-run, and a Pearl Izumi Crew Member, she's found cycling to be an endless source of "choose your own adventure." Come to the Central Resource Library and get inspired to bike more and invite your friends along for the ride!

In Person: ELL Conversation Class Interviews / Entrevista para clases presencial de conversación ELL – Saturday, Aug. 19, 9:15 – 11:30 a.m.

Are you an English-language learner? ELL language classes are available in-person. In September 2023, basic, intermediate and advanced level classes will be offered in-person. With a limited number of students for each class, registration will begin in the middle of July. Each student must be enrolled and have an in-person interview to be accepted. There is only one date to interview. The interviews, to determine proficiency, will take place on Aug. 19, 2023, at 9:15 a.m. at Central Resource Library, Logan Conference Room. No children, please.

Classes: Saturdays, Sept. 16-30; Oct. 7-28; Dec. 2-16 • 9:15-11:30 a.m. @ Central Resource Library

¿Eres un estudiante de inglés? – ELL – English-Language Learner. En septiembre de 2023 se ofrecerán clases presenciales de nivel básico, intermedio y avanzado. EL número de cupos es limitado para cada nivel, las inscripciones comenzarán a mediados de julio. Cada estudiante debe estar inscrito y tener una entrevista en persona para ser aceptado. Hay una sola fecha para la entrevista. Las entrevistas, para determinar la competencia, se llevarán a cabo el 19 de agosto de 2023, 9:15 a. m. en la Biblioteca Central, en el salón Logan Conference. Sin niños, por favor.

Sábados, 16-30 de septiembre; 7, 14, 21, 28 de octubre; 2, 9, 16 de diciembre • 9:15-11:30 a.m.
@ Biblioteca central de recursos

Interactive Exhibit: Streets for Everyone – Daily – Ongoing through Aug.18, All Day

Home Street Home is an interactive educational exhibit at the Central Resource Library that explores our streets and public spaces as places where we travel, shop, play, and engage with our communities. Good streets are places that support living well: places that make us safer, healthier, and more productive, places with people and activities that make our lives more interesting, places that help us get to work, school, services, and all of the opportunities that improve our quality of life.

The Home Street Home exhibit is designed to be accessible and interesting to a wide audience including child-friendly activities. It includes five "stations" each with a separate theme and activity.

And much more happening this week …