Reviews by Category: Teens

Staff Review

A Sequel That Won't Disappoint

By Neal Shusterman
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Sep 21, 2012

One of my favorite books of all time is Unwind by Neal Shusterman. The epic story takes place after a second civil war, fought over the morality and legality of abortion leads to peace through the Unwind Accords. This agreement outlaws abortion...however, from the ages of 13 to 18 any child may be unwound by their parents.

Staff Review

Grave Mercy

By Robin LaFevers
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
May 17, 2012

Ismae is saved from a marriage to an abusive pig farmer by The Convent of Mortain, devoted to serving the god of Death and carrying out his wishes. She is taught how to kill with her hands, a variety of weapons, and most importantly, poisons. When her second assassination goes wrong and her true purpose is discovered, she is sent to court as the escort to Gavriel Duval, an aloof and distant Breton noble to protect Anne, Duchess of Brittany. Duval and Ismae form an uneasy alliance, neither trusting the other, in an attempt to discover those that plot against Anne and Brittany.

Staff Review

The Fault in Our Stars

By John Green
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Mar 2, 2012

Hazel has been hovering on brink of death for over 2 years. At 12 she was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and just when all was lost she was entered into a drug trial which holds the cancer at bay, never curing her, but keeping it from killing her. But she knows her time is limited. Because of the disease she cannot go to school and mostly sits around the house reading and watching America's Next Top Model.

Staff Review


By Veronica Roth
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Jan 13, 2012

Beatrice has grown up in post-apocalyptic Chicago, where the community is divided into 5 factions, each focused on a different value. Candor values honest, Amity values happiness, Erudite values information, Dauntless values courage and Beatrice's faction, Abnegation values selflessness. But Beatrice isn't a very good member of Abnegation, selflessness doesn't seem to come naturally to her like it does for her brother Caleb or her mother. At 16, every member of the community undergoes the test to find out what faction they will choose to live in as an adult.

Staff Review

Who's the fairest of them all?

By Gail Carson Levine
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Dec 9, 2011

What is it about the tale of Snow White that keeps coming back? The story is hundreds of years old, but 2012 will bring two new (and drastically different) movie adaptations of the tale. In preparation, you might want to check out these novel adaptations of the story.

Fairest by Gail Carson Levine

In a land where beauty and singing are valued above all else, Aza eventually comes to reconcile her unconventional appearance and her magical voice, and learns to accept herself for who she truly is.

Staff Review

Where Things Come Back

By John Corey Whaley
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Nov 11, 2011

Cullen Witter's summer break begins with a trip to the Lily, Arkansas morgue. With this aunt and mother too distraught to get out of the car and his father on another long haul delivery, Cullen is left to identify the body. And his summer only gets better when an ornithologist from Washington shows up in town claiming he has seen a species of woodpecker previously thought to be extinct.

Staff Review

An Abundance of Katherines

By John Green
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Sep 2, 2011

I know that you are supposed to start your road trip at the beginning of summer, but sometimes things don't always work out according to plans. As I get ready for my road trip I thought I would share some of my favorite road trip books with you!

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