ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS TAB: Patron Services DOCUMENT NUMBER: 20-80-25 SECTION: Facility Usage SUBJECT: SOLICITATION, PETITIONING OR DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE IN LIBRARIES SUMMARY This regulation establishes the policy for solicitation which -- may include soliciting for petitions, personal campaigning, and personal distribution of literature to Library employees or Library patrons in Library buildings and on Library grounds. Effective Date: August 17, 2011 Reviewed October 4, 2017 July 14, 2022 POLICY a. Persons are prohibited from engaging in the personal distribution of literature and/or solicitation of Library employees and Library patrons in Library buildings and on Library grounds, with exceptions noted below. Government agencies that disseminate information in Library buildings pursuant to the approval of the County Librarian are not engaged in solicitation, petitioning, or distribution of literature, as defined in this regulation. Limited Exceptions for Petitioning and Distribution of Literature b. Petitioning is allowed in the following circumstances: Inside a library, petitions are allowed only in the context of scheduled meetings in library meeting rooms. Petitioners may not stand outside the library meeting rooms. Petitioners may stand outside library buildings on library property in areas designated by staff, away from entrances, but must not impede traffic, or pursue patrons. The County Librarian may, on Election Day or during Advanced Voting, direct staff to temporarily relocate or close a designated area if the area is too near a polling place, pursuant to KSA 25-2430. Literature may be distributed at locations designated by library staff outside library buildings on library property in areas designated by staff, away from entrances, but must be done in a manner that does not impede traffic. Persons are prohibited from selling or soliciting donations within the petitioning zone Library is Neutral c. The Johnson County Library maintains a content and viewpoint neutral position regarding any activity that takes place in the petitioning zones and consistent with our Patron Code of Behavior 20-10-50. Employees’ Charitable Works d. The County Librarian will maintain written procedures and guidelines to direct Library employees’ distribution or solicitation of contributions for charitable organizations among other Library employees, if the County Librarian determines that such distribution of literature or solicitation of contributions among Library employees will not interfere with Library employee work. July 14, 2022 ARM 20-80-25 End