SUMMARY K.S.A. 12-1226 authorizes the Library Board to receive and accept any gift or donation to the library and administer the same. This document describes Library Board policy and intent regarding fundraising and gifts, and solicitation of goods and services from private sources. Effective Date: Reviewed: October 4, 2017 October 27, 2021 October 12, 2023 POLICY a. The Library is an important public institution and public revenues should be expended to maintain the highest level of service. Solicitation of gifts will not supplant public funding. Any gift-sponsored activity will remain within the control of the Johnson County Library. All gift funds received by the Johnson County Library shall be maintained in a separate library gift fund by the County Treasurer. Library gift funds shall not be commingled with county general funds. DIRECTION TO STAFF b. The Board directs the County Librarian to establish and maintain procedures for the solicitation of monetary gifts, goods and services to benefit Library programs and service. AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT c. The Board of Directors authorizes the County Librarian to accept monetary gifts, goods and services in support of the Library. Gifts to the Library collection are covered in “Gifts of Library Materials” (ARM 30-20-50). The County Librarian shall report all gifts on a monthly basis to the Library Board. GIFTS ARE UNRESTRICTED d. A gift to the Library is considered to be made without restrictions unless it is made with restrictions that are stated in writing and approved by the County Librarian at the time the gift is made. October 12, 2023 ARM 10-56-96 End ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS TAB: Governance DOCUMENT NUMBER10-56-96 SECTION: Resolution by Library Board of Directors SUBJECT: GIFTS AND FUNDRAISING