ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS TAB: Governance DOCUMENT NUMBER: ARM 10-50-10 SECTION: Library Board of Directors SUBJECT: BYLAWS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SUMMARY This document consists of the bylaws of the Board of Directors of the Johnson County Library, as amended. The bylaws are the rules adopted by the library board for management of its internal affairs. Review Date: August 2, 2016 November 8, 2018 October 22, 2020 October 13, 2022 February 8, 2024 MEETINGS I. MEETINGS Regular Meetings a. The Board shall conduct a regular meeting at least one time each month at such time and place as it shall determine. The Board may make such determination by the adoption of an annual calendar setting forth the usual date, time and place of such regular monthly meeting. Notice of regular meetings of the Board shall be posted at the Central Resource Library, the County Administration Building, on the Library website, and provided in writing a reasonable time in advance of the meeting, to members of the print and electronic media, and to other persons or organizations that request such notice pursuant to the Kansas Open Meetings Act. b. The Board will accept citizen comments at each monthly regular Board meeting, which is an opportunity for citizens to speak directly to the Board on matters pertaining to the Library. Speakers are given on opportunity of two minutes to speak and are requested to provide their name and city of residence. A citizen must provide their address for the record if that citizen seeks further engagement or follow-up by the Library on an item addressed in their citizen comment. Citizens may speak in person or may submit a written comment. To speak in person, the citizen must indicate their attendance before the meeting starts on a citizen comment sign-in sheet located in the meeting room. Additionally, Citizens are encouraged to communicate with Library staff before the meeting date about their intention to give citizen comment or speak on an item that appears on the agenda. Written comments will be made part of the record with no obligation to be read aloud at the meeting. Citizen comments will last no more than 30 minutes in total, unless otherwise provided by a vote of the majority of the Board. The Board Chair will determine the follow-up needed to citizen comments, if any, in consultation with the County Librarian. Changes c. The date, place, or time of a particular meeting may be changed by the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors present and voting at the regular meeting prior to the meeting affected. Special Meetings d. Special meetings may be called by the chair or upon written request of a majority of the Directors. Written notice stating the date, place and time of any such special meeting and the purpose for which the same is called shall, unless waived, be given to each Director at least five days in advance of such meeting, and no business other than that stated in the notice shall be transacted at such meeting. Notices of such special meetings shall be given in the same manner as notices of regular Board meetings; provided, however, that notices to Directors may be given by U.S. mail, telephone, facsimile, or electronic mail. Open Meetings Law e. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public pursuant to the Kansas Open Meetings Law, K.S.A 75-4317, except for lawful executive sessions. Parliamentary Rules f. In the event of controversy in matters relating to the conduct of business at Board meetings, the rules of order contained in the most recent version of Robert’s Rules of Order, shall govern the Board in its deliberations in all cases to which they are applicable except when such rules are in conflict with these bylaws. Suspension of Rules of Order Rules g. The rules of order, other than such rules as may be prescribed by statute, may be suspended at any time by the consent of a majority of the Directors present at any meeting. Agendas and Information Provided to the Board h. An agenda for each regular meeting of the Board shall be prepared by the County Librarian preceding such meeting. Directors who wish to have items included on the agenda for a regular meeting shall submit such items to the County Librarian at least one week prior to such meeting. The County Librarian shall place on the agenda for a regular meeting under Old or New Business (whichever is appropriate) any item requested by a Director. The chair, with the consent of the Director proposing consideration of the item or the consent of the Board, may defer discussion on an agenda item to a future Board meeting. The agenda shall be delivered to each member in advance of a regular Board meeting. If necessary, changes may be made to the agenda and the revised agenda distributed at the beginning of the meeting. The agenda should list every significant item that will be discussed. Directors are encouraged to participate in every agenda item by asking questions, providing information, expressing opinions and voting on all issues presented for action. No later than Friday preceding a regular meeting of the Board, each Director should receive, at the Director’s address as designated by the Director, a packet of information relating to the next Board meeting containing the following: 1. An agenda 2. Minutes of previous meeting 3. Information on all consent items Recommendations and proposed resolutions with supporting information and reports 4. Discussion items with information and reports Library revenue and expense information with budget comparisons and with narrative describing important changes and major variations, County Librarian report on important developments in the Library. OFFICERS AND DUTIES II. OFFICERS AND DUTIES Officers a. The officers of the board shall be a chair, a vice chair/secretary and treasurer, elected from among its members at the regular April meeting of the board. Nominations b. A nominating committee shall be appointed by the chair in February and shall present its recommended slate of officers at least two weeks prior to the regular April meeting of the Board. Terms of Office c. Officers shall serve a term of one-year commencing immediately upon election and until their successors are duly elected, unless the officer’s term as a Director shall terminate earlier. No Director shall serve more than two terms in the same office consecutively. Chair's Duties d. The chair shall preside at all meetings, appoint all committees, subject to the approval of the Board, authorize calls for any special meetings, and generally perform the duties of a presiding officer and those duties specified for the chair in the bylaws. Vice Chair/ Secretary's Duties e. The vice chair, in the absence of the chair from a Board meeting, shall conduct the meeting and perform any necessary additional functions authorized by a majority of those present. The vice chair shall serve as secretary and sign all minutes prepared by the clerk of the Board. The vice chair heads the annual performance evaluation process of the County Librarian, and works with the Personnel Committee, if any, appointed by the chair. Treasurer's Duties f. The duties of the treasurer are set forth in K.S.A. 12-1226, but the treasurer may be assisted by staff in performing those duties. Attendance g. This Board expects that Directors regularly and consistently attend Board meetings to ensure the continuity of Library activities by having a quorum at Board meetings. Four absences from regular Board meetings during a 12-month period by a Director is cause for the Board chair to informally communicate such Director’s attendance record to the Director’s appointing member of the Board of County Commissioners. Provided, however, the Board acknowledges (a) the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 106-81, which states that the unexcused absence of an appointed Board member from three (3) consecutive meetings of that Board will be construed as a resignation from the Board, at which time the chair will give notice to the Board of County Commissioners, and (b) the authority for appointment or removal of the Directors resides with the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with K.S.A 12-1222. Vacancies h. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term in accordance with K.S.A. 12-1222. The chair shall notify the Board of County Commissioners whenever a Board vacancy occurs Vacancies in a COMMITTEES III. COMMITTEES Standing and Special Committees Standing and special committees, as appropriate, made up of Board and non-Board members, may be appointed by the chair with the approval of the Board, for the study and investigation of special problems, or in connection with any of the Board's powers and duties set forth in K.S.A. 12-1223 or 12-1225. QUORUM IV. QUORUM Formula A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of four members of the Board. COUNTY LIBRARIAN V. LIBRARIAN County Librarian's Duties The County Librarian is the executive officer of the Library and shall have sole charge of administration of the Library under the direction and review of the Board. The County Librarian shall be held responsible for the care of the buildings and equipment, for the direction of the Staff, for the efficiency of the Library’s service to the public, and for the operation of the Library under the financial conditions set forth in the annual budget. The County Librarian shall attend all Board meetings, except for excused absences or those discussing the appointment or salary of the County Librarian. ORDER OF BUSINESS VI. ORDER OF BUSINESS The Board shall generally follow Robert’s Rules of Order for the order of business with adjustments as needed. AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS VII. AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS Criteria for Amendment of Bylaws These bylaws may be amended by four (4) or more Directors present at any meeting of the Board, provided that the proposed amendment is presented and recommended for adoption by vote of not less than three Directors at the immediately preceding regular meeting of the Board after written notice that contains (1) the present wording of the provision being amended, (2) the proposed amendment, and (3) the rationale for the proposed amendment. February 8, 2024 ARM 10-50-10 End APPENDIX Order of Business In general, regular Board meetings shall have the following order of business: I. Call to Order – quorum determination II. Citizen Comments III. Remarks a. Library Board of Directors b. Friends of the Johnson County Library c. Johnson County Development Department d. Board of County Commissioner Liaison IV. Reports a. Board Counsel b. County Librarian V. Consent Agenda a. Action Items b. Information Items c. Gift Fund Report VI. Old Business VII. New Business VIII. Adjournment