SUMMARY This document describes policy and procedures for disposing of various types of property acquired by the Library. Effective Date: Reaffirmed September 10, 2015 Reviewed October 11, 2018 October 22, 2020 October 12, 2023 POLICY a. Library property may be disposed of only in accordance with this regulation and appropriate statutes, regulations, and policies. LIBRARY MATERIALS Weeding b. Cataloged library materials may be continuously evaluated for accuracy, currency, and responsiveness to user needs, and withdrawn or “weeded” from the collection in accordance with the Collection Development Policy. The County Librarian will establish procedures to implement a weeding process in accordance with that policy. With Intrinsic Value c. Library materials which maintain an intrinsic value, but have been withdrawn or weeded from the library collections will be conveyed to the Friends of the Johnson County Library for the purpose of offering them for sale to the public. These materials are then no longer library property. The Friends shall pay to and for the benefit of the Library an annual fee for such items, determined by the County Librarian on the basis of the resale market value of such weeded materials. Legal Notice d. Appropriate legal notice of the sales, if required, will be published by staff of the Johnson County Library. Purchase by Employees and Library Board Members e. Employees of the Johnson County Library may not purchase materials sold by the Friends of the Library. All sales to Library Board members must take place at a Friends of the Library location or at scheduled book sales. Without Intrinsic Value f. Undamaged Library materials which maintain no intrinsic value, and are no longer needed by the library will, under the authority of the County Librarian, be made available free of charge to the general public on an equitable basis at a prearranged and publicized time and place. GIFTS g. Disposal of gifts must be handled in accordance with any approved pre-conditions. TANGIBLE PROPERTY h. Other tangible library property, may be disposed of in accordance with the procedures adopted by the County Librarian that, for more valuable items, include notice to the public and an opportunity for purchase by the general public in the manner described by state law and library regulation. AGREEMENT WITH FRIENDS i. The Library and the Friends shall enter into a written agreement that specifies terms consistent with this regulation. October 12, 2023 ARM 50-20-50 End ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS TAB: Administration DOCUMENT NUMBER: 50-20-50 SECTION: Administrative Services SUBJECT: SURPLUS PROPERTY; CONVEYANCE OF WEEDED MATERIALS TO FRIENDS OF THE JOHNSON COUNTY LIBRARY